BRCvr Virtual Burning Man
Blind Burners 2023
This project was a collaboration with the Blind Burners Camp and XR Audio Designer Adi LaFlamme. The Blind Burners wanted to create a VR world that was accessible for visually impaired Altspace users that could be navigated though listening to audio queues alone. This was achieve by creating different sound zones throughout the world, audio descriptions of the world and directions to zones, and tunnels of sound linking different zones together. In addition, the Blind Burners wanted their world to still be aesthetically beautiful for sighted visitors and a gallery displaying the artistic works of Blind Burners camp members. Adi LaFlamme did all of the audio design, selecting SFX, creating music, and recording voice actors. I was responsible for all of the visual world building- the building design and 3d modelling, texturing, lighting, and optimizing.
Icarus Spaceport
For this event I teamed up with a friend of mine who designed the Burning Man Art Car, Icarus, and joined a slew of other inspiring and helpful developers on Discord. Using my friend’s 3D models and pictures of the art car and camp from the event in 2018, I re-uvmapped the art car and camp frontage, recreated the camp using models from the BRCvr dev team, learned how to create and bake different lighting effects, and uploaded the world to AltspaceVR where I was able to add in interactable objects, extra effects, and an easter egg or two! During the week of the Burning Man event, my friend and I livestreamed music from a DJ bot on the art car and my world had over twelve hundred visitors and hundreds of favorites.